Thu. Oct 10th, 2024
Benefits of online PTE Training

Why is Online PTE Learning better?

Life is very busy nowadays, both for students as well as working professionals. With so many constraints on time, people are struggling to balance their life between work, study commitments, and home. How does one find time to enroll in a classroom-based PTE training program?

To resolve these, the idea of “Online PTE Learning” kicks in. So, what are online training programs like and why it is considered superior to classroom-based programs?

6 Online PTE Training Advantages | Flexibility and Benefits | Edutrainex

Online PTE learning programs often has a tutor-led classroom which is hosted using popular online meeting platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc. They are mostly accompanied by an online learning platform, where learners can login and practice their learned skills and even attempt PTE mock tests. For an Online PTE Training program to be successful, it needs to be able to grant its students the above mentioned facilities.

Additionally, great PTE Learning platforms such as Edutrainex, also offer detailed feedback for PTE Speaking and PTE Writing tasks as well as One-To-One discussions with the PTE specialist tutors. Moreover, students get to see their progress in all Communicative skills areas – Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading as well as Enabling skills such as Grammar, Oral Fluency and Pronunciation.

So, it’s quite clear that learning online can also help prepare people for the shift towards Online phenomenon. Let’s explore the 5 key benefits offered by Online PTE Learning, as compared to the traditional classroom-based learning.

1. Flexibility & Self-Paced Learning – big advantage of Online PTE Training

Not many people have the ability to take time off from work to commit to a classroom-based PTE program, and others often travel for work. At the same time, students are also facing similar challenges, trying to juggle between academic learning and PTE exam preparation. 

The flexibility of an online PTE program provides individuals with the opportunity to learn while still working or studying at college.  

By choosing to learn online, you can learn at a time that is most convenient to you, without interfering with your other commitments. That flexibility allows you to better manage your work and life. Additionally, some students aren’t comfortable in asking the tutors to repeat a point or dive deep on a specific topic. When learning online, you can revisit recorded sessions and stop the videos to perform additional research or organize your notes. Moreover, you can utilize the live classroom sessions to clear your doubts. How cool is that?

You can work through each of the PTE tasks at your own pace to ensure you’re really mastering the task before moving on to the next PTE task. This added flexibility allows online learners to move through the PTE coursework at their own speed and concentrate on the tasks in which they feel they are weak in. Best online PTE learning programs such as Edutrainex, also offer its students a flexible and customized learning pathway, suited for individual needs.

Be your own boss, choose your own place to study.

2. Better Time Management with Online PTE Training

With so many commitments and things to do, it’s never easy to find an appropriate time for PTE learning. How does one manage to go to a classroom and commit oneself to PTE training. The ugly truth about classroom-based programs is you need to physically go there, attend the class and then come back to your home.

Travelling takes time and you lose essential time in going back and forth to the training institutes. To overcome these problems, it`s better you choose an online PTE training provider and you save a lot of time and at the same time, get better coaching for yourself.

Imagine what extra things you can do with 1 hour saved on the commute, you may choose to spend time with your family or practice more for your PTE exam. So, Online PTE coaching is definitely a winner in saving a lot of time for yourself.

By studying online, you can schedule your own time.

3. Online PTE Coaching is better than Book

Often, with classroom-based PTE training programs, you will be handed a booklet that you carry everywhere to note down details and also practice. This gets clumsy with time and searching for important points from your booklet gets tedious at times. Reading the books provided by the training institutes also requires you to devote specific time to go through it.

On the other hand, Online PTE Coaching is much better. Your notes, session videos, strategy videos – everything is available online and you can access it using your laptop or a smartphone. They are also much easier to search for particular topics of interest. Also, while commuting to and from work, you may choose to go through the online materials or do some practice questions.

It’s much more convenient to be able to browse online content when compared to a book or a booklet. In the end, the learners get to decide which one is better for him or her, but clearly, the advantages of online PTE coaching are much more. Additionally, the PTE exam itself is computer-based, so using an online platform also gives an opportunity to the students to get familiar with the exam.

4. Personalized Feedbacks & 1-To-1 Consultations for PTE Exam

If you choose wisely and select a good Online PTE training platform like Edutrainex, you will get expert feedback for each of the practice questions you attempt. It is very important that you receive these feedbacks because they help you identify your weak areas and help to focus on them. 

We have seen students appearing for the PTE exam multiple times and not achieving their desired score. The problem here is, they are only doing more and more practice. But they are not improving on their mistakes because they are not getting any feedback on their writing or speaking. At Edutrainex, we provide a very detailed evaluation to our students and help them rectify their mistakes.

And we have seen a lot of improvements in their next attempts. These evaluations are tailored according to the official PTE scoring guide and present a detailed layout of what the students are good at and what they are lacking in. For more information, please read this topic – “Why Edutrainex PTE training is best?”

Additionally, the one-to-one consultations with the PTE specialists provide opportunities to the students to be looked at personally. In these sessions, the students are free to focus on any topics of their interest and work through the experts to master them. These consultations are very important for the students to succeed. Normally, in the classroom-based coaching programs, you only get the opportunity to clear your doubts as a group. And the feedback you receive on your questions are verbal and often lack details of how exactly you can improve.

5. Realtime Performance Analysis on PTE Tasks – another big advantage of Online PTE Training

The PTE exam is a computer-based test that comprises of 4 sections and in total of 20 different task types. It is critical for learners to manage their accuracy and time in order to get their desired scores. You can only do that with a lot of practice, and you learn to manage your time and accuracy yourself. A good online PTE Training platform will provide you with innovative  features that would help you to get better every day.

So, how do these real-time performance analysis tools help you? It’s very simple. When you are practicing through your questions, you can either verbally or graphically view your accuracy and time management charts for the previously attempted questions. It gives you a fair idea about your pain areas, whether you lack in accuracy or in time management. Although, this might sound like something trivial, but the graphs definitely help you to plan forward and prepare better.

Statistics about yourself is quite critical in self retrospection. These performance analysis tools give you a glimpse of – “how was your accuracy in first attempt?” Or “how was your accuracy in last attempt?” Or “did you manage to finish the question within the recommended time?”. Using these, you are able to focus on the things you are lacking in. At Edutrainex, we provide such performance analysis tools for each every PTE task and our students very happy about it. For more information, please read this topic – “Why Edutrainex PTE training is best?”

Performance Analysis on PTE Tasks on your fingertips

6. Useful addons of Online PTE Training platforms

Some online PTE Training platforms go beyond the obvious. They provide innovative and useful features on their learning platforms which are quite handy for learners. For example, color-coded explanations for every practice questions. To elaborate more, let’s take Reading Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers. There is a big text in which the answers are spread across. A good explanation would highlight the key text areas within the text. This would help better understand the learners why a particular choice is correct or incorrect.

Additionally, some training platforms also provide useful tips as well as glimpses of strategies while attempting the practice questions. How cool is that? You don’t need to scribble through your notes to look at the strategies or watch lengthy videos to brush up. Everything is provided to you on your dashboard.

Only Best Online PTE training platforms like Edutrainex go beyond expectations and provide something more unique to its learners. Things like integrated intelli-assist which would track your performance and guide you accordingly on every task. For more information, please read this topic – “Why Edutrainex PTE training is best?”

Visit to get started on your PTE journey.

So, what are you waiting for? Start preparing for your exam by signing up with Edutrainex subscriptions. Give yourself the extra edge that you need to succeed at the PTE exam. Get expert feedbacks, 1-to-1 consultations, graphical performance analysis, color-coded explanations and many more features. You will never look back, your success is assured.

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